Ukrainian refugees could get an IT job after intensive training
“Good evening — we are from Ukraine!” — This is the name of the social initiative for refugees affected by the war and participants in hostilities with Russia, which was started by teachers and graduates of Vinnytsia IT Academy.
The program envisages the creation and continuous development of a worldwide network of offline/online training centers to support Ukrainians affected by the consequences of Russia's war against the Ukrainian people. People who are forced to leave their place of permanent residence will need it especially.
"Every day, every hour, russia ruthlessly destroys innocent people, mothers and children, inflicting deadly blows on Ukrainian cities and villages. But there is no doubt that Ukraine will win and we are doing everything possible to ensure that every Ukrainian has the opportunity to return to a full and dignified life," — said Roman Melnyk, director of the Vinnytsia IT Academy and the initiator of the creation.
This project envisages the organization of intensive training in IT specialties for refugees/displaced persons, combatants and personal support for everyone up to employment.
Partner organizations, foundations in Ukraine and abroad join the program. IT professionals, IT companies, IT Associations — the whole IT community whose expertise and resources are very important for this project are already registered on the project website to fill it with real content!
The project aims to attract as many resources as possible to Ukraine, to restart the Ukrainian economy. New intellectual jobs will be created for Ukrainians. And all this will work for the defense, rapid development of Ukraine and the personal well-being and decent life of every Ukrainian and his family.
“Taking into account the experience of the IT Academy in training IT specialists with further employment in the IT industry, we have developed intensive programs in the four most popular specializations — programming, manual and automated testing, web design and project management. And we will teach those who are really ready to change their lives and get a job in the IT field" — says Alexander Panchenko — project manager, experienced teacher and team leader. All you need to do is have a strong motivation and desire and register on the project website.
We invite everyone who is not indifferent, enterprising, who has competencies or wants to help the project, as a partner, business, teacher or mentor, join our initiative. Every support, even the smallest, will make Ukraine stronger and bring us closer to victory!
* Employment after training and payment of taxes in Ukraine is a prerequisite for participation in the project. We are doing and will do everything possible to ensure that every Ukrainian has the opportunity to return to their homeland and personally participate in the development of Greater Ukraine!
If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us:
tel. + 38-067-431-19-21
email: robotamolodi@gmail.com
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